Friday, December 17, 2010

Here we go again. Geez Louise!!

What does it take? Once again, after a single day of proper delivery, the Chicago Tribune and Aurora Beacon News are 20' off the drive, in the snow.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Unbelievable, Part II -- Success!

Posting the photo as promised earlier today.

Will miracles never cease?
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WooHoo!!! Success!

I'm running a little late for work, so the photo will have to follow, but my newspaper is directly in the middle of my drive this morning.

Thank you, Eric, from the Tribune.

And thank you, too, Ms. B.  Seriously.  Thank you.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Yesterday, I finally got through to the Tribune's Special Services department. I was again assured that the problem would be taken care of. This is the result. I wonder if they're trying to get rid of me. It's like they're trying to make me angry. I'm calling again for redelivery and will talk again with Special Services, too. Finally, I'm calling the Beacon News. Being more local and smaller, maybe they'll actually do something about this.  (note: I posted a picture earlier which indicated that an object under the fence was one of my papers.  That was incorrect, as the object was a plastic antifreeze jug.  The papers are actually together in a single bag, but still very far from the driveway and in the snow.)
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

And you want a Christmas TIP, Ms. Paper Delivery Lady? You've GOT to be kidding!

It's been more than two months since my last posting.  No, the service hasn't improved.  They've just beaten me down.  Nothing works.  I just got tired of taking the same pictures of the same papers in the ditch every day.  It hasn't helped.  But NOW I'm mad.....!!!

Last week, I got a holiday greeting card in my newspaper with a small piece of paper containing the name and address of my paper delivery person.  Apparently, she thinks I'll want to tip her for her outstanding delivery service.  I discarded the card, but kept the address slip, trying to decide what exactly I should do with this newfound information.  Should I send a nastygram to the address?  Save all my wet, muddy, gravel-filled newspapers and deposit them in the middle of her lawn in a foot of wet snow?  Ignore it?  Post her name and address on my blog?

On Wednesday, we already had snow on the ground.  Both papers were in the ditch.  I didn't bother retrieving them.  Thursday, same thing.  All four snuggled together in the ditch near the culvert, like a group of homeless newspapers huddling together for warmth.  Friday morning, both papers were again in the ditch, but 25 feet from the driveway.  Enough is ENOUGH!  I called Tribune Customer Service yet again to cancel.  I was ASSURED that this would be taken care of and that on Sunday, I could be certain that the paper would be on my driveway.  

HAH!!!  This morning, my Tribune was 40' from the driveway, under a 1/2" of snow and slush from the road.  

I have a new idea.  Every day that the paper is not on my driveway, I'm going to call to request redelivery, starting today.  Maybe they'll get the idea.  

In the meantime...

To Ms. newspaper deliverer, whom I can trust to deposit my newspaper almost anyplace except my driveway,   Thanks.  A lot.